Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yesterday at Work, Or Why I Fucking Hate Tyra Banks

I had to walk through the break room at work yesterday, and there were quite a few people there. Tyra Banks' tacky, awful show was on, and everyone was paying close attention, because Tyra was hosting an episode-long debate about gay people. Not gay marriage. Gay people, in general.

Given the inappropriate format and Tyra's almost hilarious unprofessionalism, it would have been bad enough if she and her producers had booked homophobic bigots of the Bush/Palin/Obama variety--the kind that has nooooooo problem with gay people but think they should be second class citizens without equal rights. But apparently the folks at her Bankable Productions aren't even up to speed with the GOP.

Marriage was barely an issue. It was more like a Klan rally. The antagonists were foaming-at-the mouth religious extremists who call being gay "a disease" and "sick" and "immoral." They were screaming and snarling. Really hot gay guys were reduced to tears and couldn't even make their arguments through their sobs. And at the center of it all was the brainless moron of a host--completely unqualified to deal with the circus she had started.

And she ended the show by saying she "respects both sides" and wishes they could show each other "empathy." Both sides!! As if they were Israelis and Palistinians, as if they both had valid points, as if their story was complicated.

It was unsettling going back to work after sharing this weird spectacle with my co-workers, not all of whom can be described as "gay-friendly" or "accepting" or "normal." Thanks, Tyra.


IsaacCohen said...

Haha!! Really funny; awesome post. Tyra is one of the worst American shows I've ever seen.

Jewish Not Zionist said...

"Gay" and "straight" are western constructs that do not exist. Nobody understood Iranian Pres Mahmoud Ahnadinejad when he said Iran does not have "gay" people. he didn't mean what the Western media BBC CNN New York Times made it sound like. He was saying that in his country gay is not a sexual orientation because Islam does not teach that. And that lady on Tyra Banks show is wrong, gay is not a disease, it's a choice. Humans are born with free choice and they have the ability to choose right or wrong. What we think of as "gay" people are just people who have a temptation so called "straight" people do not have. You do not have to act on it.

G-d gives so called "gay" people the ability to overcome their evil inclinations to have sex with the same gender.

tokugawa smile said...
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tokugawa smile said...

Jewish Not Zionist,

Isaac was right about you when he called you a cockroach on another thread.

I don't know what country hosts the filthy rock you live under, but if it isn't your precious Iran, why the hell not? If Iran is such a great place to live, do everybody a favor and go live there (preferably a section with limited internet access.)

There are naturally straight people, and there are naturally gay people. Sexuality may be fluid for some people, others are bisexual and can obviously choose between genders, and some straight people have sex with the same gender from time to time for a variety of reasons. None of these facts changes the truth that most people who identify as gay are naturally and exclusively (or almost exclusively) attracted to the same gender and not at all to the opposite gender. This truth is not a "Western" construct, and it's completely independent from the nonsense your beloved ayatollahs say. I don't give a fuck what any religion says about the subject, but regardless, you're wrong to suggest all Muslims think sexual orientation is a "Western" idea.

In the past, I rejected anti-gay comments, but I'm starting to realize the damage I can do to your cause by simply allowing you to share your views.

IsaacCohen said...
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