Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Response to Ami G

Ami G. said...
I'm an orthodox jew and I don't follow Judaism blindly....

I think that the problem with the gay community is that they don't understand that just because they have homosexual attractions and tendencies does not mean that homosexuality is a way of life and should be legitimized by the rabbis/Judaism.

If I'm a kleptomaniac for instance, I can't control myself from stealing. Maybe the rabbis should find a way to make that permissible. I mean, times are changing! People are stealing all over! Especially in the Jewish community! Look how many Jews have been caught! Rabbis are money-laundering in so many synagogues and yeshivas! Bernie Maddof, Crazy Eddie (Eddie Antar), and many more!

So why can't the Orthodox community allow me to steal and accept me for who I am?
January 4, 2010 8:47 AM

Ami G. said...
**PLEASE NOTE: What I've said in my previous comment was meant with utmost respect and compassion to you and the entire gay community. I am merely trying to make a point NOT in any way shape or form have I intended to poke fun at, degrade, brlittle, or criticise you or any gay person.
January 4, 2010 8:54 AM

capecodkwassa said...
Quote: "I think that the problem with the gay community is that they don't understand that just because they have homosexual attractions and tendencies does not mean that homosexuality is a way of life. . . "
Okay, so. . . just because you, Ami G, are attracted to girls doesn't mean your heterosexuality is a way of life. See how incorrect that is? Of course your sexual orientation is a way of life.

Sexual orientation is not a series of "attractions and tendencies;" you're either gay, straight, or in some cases bi.

Your comparison of sexual orientation with kelptomania is silly. You, Ami G, could change your name and live life as a gentile. Any bigot could compare your heritage with an inclination to steal. In fact, Messianic "Jews" and Jews For Jesus make a case for abandoning Judaism for J.C. that sounds eerily similar to what you're offering me.

Prejudiced Orthodox Jews like you are forcing fellow Orthodox Jews into a sad choice: to either abandon their reilgion altogether or to marry someone of the opposite sex, despite being gay.

You would be schocked at how many frum Jews (and other gay religious people) are in deceitful, sham marriages and seek out sex with others in the same position. Since it's 2010, these gay Jews (and Christians, Muslims, and Hindus) only have themselves to blame. They are adults who should be able to make the moral decision to live an honest life. But people like you ARE creating the hateful atmosphere that presents them with this choice to begin with.

Quote: "**PLEASE NOTE: What I've said in my previous comment was meant with utmost respect and compassion to you and the entire gay community. I am merely trying to make a point NOT in any way shape or form have I intended to poke fun at, degrade, brlittle, or criticise you or any gay person."
Softening your bigotry by pairing it with the pseudo-compassionate lingo of the religious doesn't work. Sorry.


JDHURF said...

What an idiotic comparison. You cannot compare an innate sexual orientation with a psychological disorder. Homosexuality is simply an innate sexual orientation, it has to do, presumably, as some circumstantial evidence would seem to indicate, with biological construction and is not regarded as a mental disorder whereas kleptomania is not so much to do with biology (insofar as it is therein related it represents and imbalance that can be equalized), but with psychological disorder (in the related family of disorders such as OCD and addictive/mood disorders).

“Yeah, no offense, but I just compared a sexual orientation with a mental disorder.” Complete stupidity.

tokugawa smile said...

Thanks, JDHURF!! The other new post has attracted a Crazy as well, haha. Where are these nuts coming from?

IsaacCohen said...

Ami G should hang out with jewishNotZionist; they can join forces, warning others about the Jews spreading of the 'wonders of lesbianism.'