Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Response to "Why Are Jews Liberals?"

The old saying is that Jews earn like Episcopalians but vote like Puerto Ricans.

Or. . .

"Whatever the promptings of their economic interests," Jews have consistently supported "increased government spending, expanded benefits to the poor and lower classes, greater regulations on business, and the power of organized labor." So says economist Nathan Glazer when touching on a certain political phenomenon that apparently has no shelf life: Jewish liberalism.

Almost half a century after Martin Luther King, Jr. thanked Jewish Americans for their disproportionate numbers in the fight for black civil rights, U.S. Jews are still a noticeable presence in progressive political life, from the ranks of regular liberal Democrats to the likes of Chomsky and the late Howard Zinn. Even many of the harshest critics of Israel's occupation are Jewish. And it's not just irreligious, secular Jews. Reform and Conservative Judaism were among the first major religious sects to ordain female and gay clergy, and the Jewish Federation and the Jewish Theological Seminary support gay/straight equality, immigrants' rights, and labor unions.

Conservative Norman Podrohtz (along with the Jewish founders of neo-conservatism) hoped Jewish support for Democrats would end with the nomination of Barack Obama. A shady campaign was launched to convince Jews that Obama was a secret Muslim who wants to wipe out Israel. They desperately tried to scare Jews by constantly pointing out Obama's middle name. Conservatives were convinced Jews would vote Republican for the first time.

This wishful thinking caused MSNBC's Rachel Maddow to point out how ridiculous the idea of Jews voting for McCain in large numbers was, and that it obviously was not going to happen. Indeed, to Podrohtz's chagrin, 75% of Jewish voters supported Obama, more than any other religious group and more than any ethnic group other than black voters.

This frustrated Podrohtz and the few other Jewish conservatives (as well as others who are also perplexed by Jewish liberalism.) So he wrote "Why Are Jews Liberals?," an article for the Wall Street Journal, which became a book around the same time (Why Are Jews Liberals?, Doubleday, 2009.) The main thesis is this: Jews are liberals, Jews should not be liberals, and it is a mystery why Jews are liberals.

In the book and article, Podrohtz details the long, sordid history of Jewish liberalism, culminating in the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, who--Podrohtz never bothers to point out--is actually out of step with most rabbis on health care reform and gay rights. And that's really the cruz of the problem with Podrohtz's thesis. Jewish liberalism cannot be described as mysterious or as blindly toeing the party line if most Jews prefer universal health care coverage to Obama's plan, or straight/gay equality to second-class citizenship. Maybe Jews are liberals because liberalism better suits their beliefs than conservatism.

Podrohtz distorts history by painting a rosy view of how Americans treated Jews who came to this country looking to make a better life. He claims that because of America's Christian heritage, the land of the free was a safe haven for Jews who share many of the same sacred scriptures and therefore the same values. Actually, Jews were treated with persecution in the U.S., and the discrimination they faced probably helped lead Jews to vote Democrat along with other minorities.

There were signs on restaurants saying "No Coloreds or Jews." Jewish people had a hard time finding work because so many help wanted ads read "Gentiles Only" or "Only Christians Need Apply." Universities kept Jewish students out with quotas. Normal ways of living were so difficult for Jewish Americans that many of them helped build the film industry (no surprise to racists) and became athletes (big surprise to racists.) Far from providing a safe haven, the U.S. ensured a Jewish future of nose-jobs and name changes.

Podrohtz echoes the sentiments of many white supremacists by saying liberal Jews are attempting to thwart old-fashioned values in the name of progress. But what old-fashioned values are Jews trying to thwart? Disowning daughters who get abortions? Sending gay kids to creepy Evangelical camps to make them "straight?"

Podrohtz says, "Most American Jews sincerely believe that their liberalism, together with their commitment to the Democratic Party as its main political vehicle, stems from the teachings of Judaism and reflects the heritage of "Jewish values." But if this theory were valid, the Orthodox would be the most liberal sector of the Jewish community. After all, it is they who are most familiar with the Jewish religious tradition and who shape their lives around its commandments." He then goes on to say Orthodox Jews mostly vote for Republican candidates.

Just because Orthodox Jews follow halakha to the letter does not mean they are more "familiar with the Jewish religious tradition." I am very well versed in halakha; I simply agree with Abraham Joshua Heschel that Judaism does not equal law. The Tanakh is important to my faith because of the beauty of the Psalms and the wisdom of many of the laws--not to mention an astonishing concern for the poor and oppressed that religious conservatives must be overlooking. But I am a smart, educated Jewish guy living in 2010, and if I choose to drive my car on Friday nights or to have sex with a boyfriend, it's not because I'm ignorant of the prohibitions to not do these things.

That's what Podrohtz does not understand. Religious Jews who didn't give a fuck that Obama's middle name is Hussein can point to Hashem's commandment to look out for the oppressed because we Jews were oppressed in Egypt. And secular Jews like Chomsky can point out the torrent of abuse Jews faced in the U.S. not very long ago.

Podrohtz can keep going to brunch with the famous conservative in this conversation.

PHIL DONAHUE: Let me just tell you. He accuses you, among other things, of being an anti-Semite.

ANN COULTER: Maybe that will help me with the Muslims.

DONAHUE: He says that you left New York because you wanted to get away from all these Jews. Did you say that?

COULTER: I find this very interesting, that I write a book saying liberals won't argue about things, instead what they do is call conservatives names. And I come on your show and all you're doing is calling me names.

Why are Jews liberals? It's a mystery.


IsaacCohen said...


Have you ever considered going to seminary? Whenever i read your writings, I always end up wishing you were a rabbi. You're very knowledgeable about G-d and our cultural heritage.

You did an amazing job writing this. I'm proud of you for getting your views out there. I agree Judaism is more in keeping with labor party values than with conservatism--oh MUCH more.

What you wrote about how Judaism is not equal to law is so true. There are even some well-intentioned liberal Christians who do not understand that. Some of them say Judaism is legalistic and that Christianity is more liberal but that's because they're ignorant. And like you said conservatives make the same mistake because they want Judaism to be like that.

JDHURF said...

Podrohtz is an ass and I’m glad to see his ridiculous book getting it’s due criticism, especially here on your blog.

tokugawa smile said...

Thanks for the kind words, Isaac and JDHURF.


So nice of you, but no I have never considered going to seminary and I probably never will. I love learning--not teaching. Judaism is a beautiful way to understand Hashem and sometimes I'm overwhelmed at how cool our culture really is. I do not feel like I'm good enough of a person to properly represent it, and certainly not to teach it.

IsaacCohen said...

You're the most generous person I know; you would give your last dime to help out a friend. You're a great dude!! You would make a fine rabbi and you have a lot to teach others.

I wish you would move to Tel Aviv. I konw you've made aliyah and you visit quite a bit, but it just does something to your spirit to actually live here. I'm telling you, man, if you ever do come out here, Noam and I can help you get set up with a great job. You should do it!!

jacob said...


Liberalism is a jewish pathology. You always complain about PETA and Adbusters, but did you know they're jewish? Jews run them. It's Jews who run every Jew-hating organization or company or magazine you can think of. It's Jews leading the charge for obliterating Israel. Google and Facebook are both anti-israel, all the idiots you like from woody allen to steven spielberg are all against isreal.

mark my words. israel will not surivive the influence of jewish liberals.

IsaacCohen said...

Off topic: Chelsea Clinton is attending shabbos services at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

I hear Bill Clinton will be attending his first seder at Chelsea's fiance's family's house.

tokugawa smile said...


You need to calm the f down. In my post, the criticism of Israel I deemed acceptable was of "Israel's occupation." Whether you agree or not, Israel's occupation of Palistinians (and subsequent bias agaisnt Arabs within Israel) really is illegal and immoral. That is NOT a pro-Hamas statement; nor does it advocate terrorism or "obliterating Israel."

When I say liberal, I mean pro-gay, pro-choice, universal health care, separation of church and state, civil rights, stricter gun control laws, helping the poor, ending the wars as soon as possible, not waging any new wars, and making a real attempt to broker peace between Israelis and Palistinians without taking sides but while acknowledging that Israel is the occupying power.

Quote: "You always complain about PETA and Adbusters, but did you know they're jewish? Jews run them."

I'm not an idiot. I realize Adbusters is run and largely written by moronic Jews who grew up with trust funds, summer houses in the Hamptons, and Spiderman themed bar mitzvahs who are now trying to piss off their parents by tossing some Hamas salad. I'm even planning an essay about the subject. But that doesn't have anything to do with the liberalism I'm talking about.

When I say liberal I mean the stuff I mentioned above. When i say left-wing, I mean like Howard Zinn. What YOU are talking about it extremism, much of which is anti-Semitic. And if you think I side with those nuts or that I'm passive and wimpy in the face of those making their arguments, I guess you don't know me very well.

What you also don't realize is that this anti-Semitism--disguising itself as anti-Zionism--is NOT left-wing. It's devoid of political affiliation. BOTH sides of the political spectrum meet in this Jew-hating place. David Duke and other white supremacists and neo-Nazis and far-right nutjobs could easily write columns for the allegedly "left-wing" Adbusters, provided the columns were about Israel.

As for your comments about Facebook and Google, Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg, I am at a loss for words. Facebook, Google, and Spielberg's Munich are all hated by extremists on both sides, so I guess their makers (every last one of them staunch Zionists)are doing something right.

I'm glad you're so supportive of gay rights, though. I really do appreciate it. It's hard not to notice that the few Jews who ARE conservative are pro-gay rights, so that's awesome. Now if you could just recognize the humanity of our brothers, those Semites known as Arabs.

tokugawa smile said...

And I know there are some conservative Jews who homophobic as well; I've just noticed that a lot of Jewish Republicans tend to be pro-gay.

Isaac Cohen:

Wow, that's some nice information!! Chelsea hanging out with Chicago Jews, huh? That is so cool. Dude, her Jewish fiance is hot lol. Lucky girl.

I have to correct you on one thing, though. If Bill Clinton does indeed attend the seder, it would not be his first!! He has a ton of Jewish friends, and he's gone to seders hosted by Spielberg, Barbara Streisand, Rahm Emanuelle, and others.

jacob said...


In the last election, jews were more concerned about their liberal beliefs than supporting israel. That's why so many of them voted for Obama instead of Israel's true friend McCain.

tokugawa smile said...

What are you talking about?

Obama supports Israel. You just like the Republicans because they ran the McCain/Palin election with anti-Arab undertones. But they only did that because most of the nastier Christian Zionists are Republicans and also because they were desperately trying to get as many Jews to leave the Democrat party as possible.

The only moral choice is to support both Israelis and Palistinians. The problem is with those who support a one-state solution, like you Arab-haters and the Jew-haters.

jacob said...


I have nothing against Arabs. You're just being too liberal in their favor.

And yes, I think sexual preference is nobody's business but your own. Nobody should tell you where to stick your dick. Also I have a lot of gay friends so I know their story. Thanks for recognizing this aspect of me.

IsaacCohen said...

Very interesting debate. You both make good points.

Cape, I stand corrected on Bill Clinton--that's awesome.

tokugawa smile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tokugawa smile said...



If you support a one-state solution for Jews, you definitely are anti-Arab. If someone on the other side of the conflict supported a one-state solution for Palistinians they should be considered anti-Jewish.

The same standard applies to you. That's not being "too liberal." Abusive, unreasonable, double standard-laden, anti-Semitic "criticism" of Israel is neither left nor right. Those extremists are on both sides, and there's a much longer history of that abuse on the right. Rosie O' Donnell has got nothing on David Duke.

tokugawa smile said...


Yossi Sarid says much more eloquently what I've been saying to people for years in his essay "Don't Call the Israeli Left Anti-Zionist."

People from all different political perspectives are using the word "Zionist" incorrectly, sometimes deliberately.

I urge everyone to read Sarid's essay for Ha'aretz.

tokugawa smile said...

Haha, that was all introduction and no link. Without further ado, here is Sarid's "Don't Call the Israeli Left Anti-Zionist."